Thursday, January 27, 2011

मुसहर जीवन से एक साक्षात्‍कार


मुसहर जीवन से एक साक्षात्‍कार

डॉ लेनिन रघुवंशी

उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी जनपद में बड़ागाँव ब्लॉक के मुसहर परिवारों की कहानी, समाज को उच्च शिखर पर पहुँचा रहा है, क्या आपको लगता है? आइये ज़रा महसूसने की कोशिश करें …

बड़ागाँव नाम से ही लगता है कि कितना विकसित होगा और कितना सुशोभित होगा यहाँ के नागरिकों का जीवन। मगर ये वास्तविकता से परे है। आज भी मुसहरों की स्थिति दयनीय है और उपेक्षाओं की मार से धरती पर कीड़े-मकोड़ों की तरह जीवन-जीने को मजबूर हैं। ऐसा लगता है कि जुल्मों-सितम को सहते हुए इसे नियति समझ बैठे हों। दिन की शुरुआत होती है, लेकिन यह पता नही रहता कि शाम तक बच्चों के लिए दो जुन की रोटी का जुगाड़ हो पायेगा कि नही।  उस स्थिति में बच्चों के लिए शिक्षा तो दूर एक वक्त का भोजन मिल जाए यही सौभाग्य मानते हैं। प्राथमिक विद्यालय व आँगनबाड़ी की स्थिति आज भी मनुवादी सोच को चरितार्थ कर रही है।

एक तरफ राज दावा कर रही है कि जल्द ही हमारे प्रदेश में गाँव-गाँव तक चिकित्सा वाहन की सुविधा हर एक दलित बस्ती में पहुँचेगी, मगर वास्तविकता क्या है? अस्पताल के बाहर गर्भवती महिला तड़पते हुए अपने बच्चों को खो दे रही है, पीड़ा को दूर किये बिना उसके साथ छूआछूत का बर्ताव किया जा रहा है। क्या उनका इस जाति में जन्म लेना दुर्भाग्य है कि वो मुसहर जाति में पैदा हुई है। अगर कभी-कभार ए0एन0एम0 (सरकारी स्वास्थ्य सेविका) डिलिवेरी करवा देती है तो उस महिला के साथ पशुओं से भी ज्यादा अभद्र व्यवहार होता है और महिनों की कमाई की जमा पूँजी उल्टे ऐंठ ली जाती है।

ग़रीबी व भूखमरी मानों सदियों से इनको दरिद्रतापूर्ण जीवन जीने के लिये बेबस कर दिया हो। उत्तर प्रदेश कुपोषण और भूखमरी के शिकार बच्चों की स्थिति में अव्वल है जिसमें मुसहर जाति के बच्चे ज्यादा पाये गये है।

यातना और संगठित हिंसा का शिकार यह जाति किसी भी समय उच्च जातियों और पुलिस द्वारा उत्पीड़ित होते है, इनके लिए न्याय पाना तो दूर ये गुहार भी नहीं कर सकते, ऐसी यहाँ सामाजिक और प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था कायम है।

पुलिस द्वारा मुसहरों से घृणित कार्य करवाना मानों अब आदत सा बन गया है कि रात्रि-अर्द्धरात्रि, जब चाहे घर में घुसकर उठा लें और सड़ी गली लावारिश लाश फेंकवाना, थाने और जेल में आज भी शौचालय साफ करवाना व गंदी-गंदी वस्तुओं को जबरन उठावाना इत्यादि शामिल है।

उच्च जातियों द्वारा अपने यहां बेगारी करवाकर मजुदूरी न देना और समुदाय के महिलाओं के साथ छेड़छाड़ व असामाजिक दुर्व्‍यवहार आम बात है। अगर कभी इस समुदाय के लोग साफ़ कपड़े पहनकर रिश्‍तेदारी के लिये भी घर से निकलें और इन पर दबंग जातियों का नजर पड़ जाए तब जान-बूझकर जबरन काम करवाया जाता है ताकि इनके कपड़े मैले हो जाएं। लेकिन चुनाव की गर्माहट है तो मुसहर देवता, नहीं तो धोबी का कुत्ता बना रहता है। यही इनकी नियति है।

धर्म व जाति को प्रधानता देना लोगों द्वारा ढकोसला व मूर्खतापूर्ण असामन्जस्य फैलाने वाली समस्या अपने देश के लिए बतायी जा रही है। मगर वास्तव में ये एक व्यवसाय सा प्रतीत होता है जिससे कभी दबंगों, कभी पुलिवालों और कभी वकीलों का ही जेब भरता नजर आ रहा है।

हमारे देश में सदियों से चला आ रहा है कि स्त्री पूज्‍य है उसकी पूजा-अर्चना करनी चाहिये। कुछ समय पहले ही इस वक्तव्य को धूमिल होते देख हमारे संविधानदाता अनेक कानून व धारायें बनाकर चले गये। आज भी प्रत्येक शासनकाल में स्त्रियों की स्थिति में सुधार हेतु कुछ न कुछ योजनायें व आरक्षण की सुविधा महिलाओं को दी जा रही हैं। लेकिन क्या वो क्रियान्वित हो रहा है? या फिर केवल भाषणबाज़ी की संस्कृति बनकर रह  जा रहा है। इसको भी हम यहाँ इस विशालकाय गाँव में अवलोकित होते हुए देख सकते हैं। पुरुष-महिला को अपनी जागीर समझता हैं। पंचायतीराज को ही ले सकते हैं कि जिसमें महिला प्रधान होने पर भी सारे कर्ताधर्ता पुरुष ही रहते हैं। महिला को ये भी पता नहीं रहता कि उनका दायित्व क्या है और  हमारा निर्वाचन क्यों हुआ हैं। आखिर वो जाने कैसे? जब घर में चकला-बेलन ही चलाना है। जब कभी एकाध बार कोई ग़रीब व वंचित महिला बगावत कर घर के दहलीज़ को पार करती है, तो पुरुषरूपी घड़ियाल उसको अपने क़ब्जे़ में करने के लिए हर तरह के पैतरे अपनाता है। ये ज़रूरी नहीं कि उसका हथियार केवल पुरुषवादी सोच ही काफी है बल्कि वक्त पड़ने पर एक स्त्री के लिए स्त्री का इस्तेमाल कर लेते है। इस व्यवस्था में मुसहर महिलाओं की स्थिति सोची जा सकती हैं। खुले आम अनुसूचित जाति/अनुसूचित जाति अधिनियम व निवारण एक्ट की धज्जियॉ उड़ रही है। अस्पृष्यता उन्मूलन एक लम्बा संघर्ष है। जब हमारे ग्रामीण समाज की गंदी सोच ही दर्शन बन जाये तो हमारा संविधान व कानून मात्र केवल कागज की कठपुतली ही बनकर रह जायेगा। जिसे हम केवल अच्छे दर्शक की तरह देखेगें और एक गंभीर व प्रशंसनीय चित्रकथा की भाँति अपने मस्तिष्‍क के अवचेतन भाग के ऊपर छोड़ देगें। ऐसी स्थिति में इस समुदाय का क्या होगा?

अंततः हम यही कह सकते हैं कि ये केवल बड़ागाँव के मुसहरों की कहानी नहीं है बल्कि आज देश में यह जाति जहां भी है वहाँ ये कुरूतियाँ व्याप्त हैं। क्या अब भी हम यहीं कहेगें कि समाज सर्वोच्च शिखर पर पहुँच रहा है। उत्तर प्रदेश उत्तम प्रदेश बन गया है?

डॉ0 लेनिन रघुवंशी 'मानवाधिकार जन निगरानी समिति' के महासचिव हैं और वंचितों के अधिकारों पर किए इनके कामों के लिये इन्‍हें 'वाइमर ह्युमन राइट्स अवॉर्ड', जर्मनी एवं 'ग्वांजू ह्युमन राइट्स अवॉर्ड, दक्षिण कोरिया से नवाज़ा गया है. लेनिन सरोकार के लिए मानवाधिकार रिपोर्टिंग करेंगे, ऐसा उन्‍होंने वायदा किया है. उनसे पर संपर्क साधा जा सकता है.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Testimony of Mrs. N. Babita Devi

My name is Mrs N. Babita Devi, I am 36 years old and I am staying at Tera Bazar. I have been staying at my parental home for the past 4-5 years. I live with my parents and we have seven family members (father, mother, two younger brothers, my son and my daughter). One of my brothers worked as a mason and other one is not at home today.
In the month of April 2010, one evening suddenly a team of state police personals came to my house, they also brought with them two boys,( who is not known to me). The police came straight to my house and asked me where my brother was and where is the weapon (Gun) he had kept in my house. They told me that the two boys they have brought were my brother’s accomplish, whom they said is working for an underground organization. I told them that my brother was not at home he has just gone out and I don’t have any knowledge about his UG connection and the weapon that they were looking for. Then they turn to my old father and in a harsh tone they threatened him to bring out his son and the weapons, otherwise the consequences will be bad. They use many indecent words and threatened my father by putting the barrel of the gun to my father’s forehead.
They entered our house and searched for weapons, in the process they pull out all the cloths and other things from the almirah and from the beds, they also scattered around other household items. One of the police personal called my son who is 13 years old and showed a gun to him and asked, if he knew where the gun of that type was kept in the house. My son told them he doesn’t know anything about the gun or the place where it is kept. After about 2-3 hours of searching, harassing and threatening they went back. They told me to come to the police station the next day.
My brother (they were looking for) was at home till the morning of that very day, but from that day onwards and after the incident I don’t know where he is and what had happen to him. The next day I along with one of my cousin sister went at the police station to meet the officer-in-charge (OC). After reaching the police station the OC called us in and talked to us. He told us to bring my brother along with the weapon he was using and make him to surrender to them. This will be good for my brother and for my family as a whole.
I told the OC, Sir, “I don’t have any knowledge about my brother working for any UG group and the weapon he is said to be using. He was at home till yesterday morning but he has not returned home till now. If I find him I will certainly bring him here”. We came back home after meeting the OC of the police station. I, as well as my family members are shocked by what has happened to us and the way the policeman have treated us at my own home.
A few days later another team of police commando came to my house and again the same thing happened. Again and again they searched our house and scattered around all our household items. Every time they threatened us, and abused us. On one occasion they even shot (blank fire) 3-4 bullets at our gate. The last time they came to my house was on 22nd Nov.2010, this time many of the policeman that came to my house were in a drunken state, they use a lots of abusive language, they have no respect for my old father and mother and one of them even scattered the Rice from the rice-pot (chengfu, traditional Manipuri rice pot) that was kept in the kitchen.
From the very day the police came to our house our family is humiliated and suffered, both mentally and emotionally. Today my father has become mentally unstable and he could not sleep and eat properly, my mother has depression problem. My son does not want to stay at home and he is afraid of staying and sleeping at our house. Today he does not sleep at our house but stay at my uncle’s house. I am also very afraid of staying at home, especially at night, whenever I saw any policeman I feel as if I was going to faint. My daughter who is just 11 years old feels very bad about what happen to us. She does not want to go to school because her friends kept on asking her about the matter.
Another very sad thing is that, today, the local people have looked upon us in a very different way. They don’t want to come at our house and they seem to have many suspicions on us. Some local people use to say that, even the small wooden house that is constructed is said to be built by the money that my brother had collected illegally from others. In fact this small house is built by our savings and the little hard earned sweat money of my brother who works as a mason.

Testimony from Wide Angle, Members organization of NATT

Testimony of M. Tomba Singh (Moirang)

My name is Moirangthem Tomba Singh (name change) I am 35 years old and I live at Moirang. I am a married man and today I have two children.
One day in the month of Oct. 2010, during the night, some state police force came to house in a Maruti Gypsy. As they enter my house, they called my name repeatedly, and started knocking at the door. During that time I was sick and bedridden. However I wake up and open the door. As soon as I open the door they caught hold of me and told me to come out of the house to discuss something. I told them that I am sick and let’s talk inside my house. However they don’t listen to my request and drag me out of the room, and at that moment my family members came out and asked what the matter was. Some of my family members started crying and requested them to leave me alone.
Without saying anything the police personal pushed aside my family members and pushed me inside their Maruti Gypsy. My mother asked the police personals the reason for my arrest. I also requested the police that if they are arresting me, then please give the arrest memo to my family members.
Instead of giving arrest memo, they told me that “You know many things about the law and you are aware of these things, this shows, what type of person you are”. Without giving the arrest memo, they blindfolded me and took me too many places. Inside the vehicle they asked me, to which group (UG group) I belong to? They keep on asking this question repeatedly. I told them that, I am just a simple social worker and I don’t work or have any relationship with any underground group. Then they drive the vehicle to another direction. Again they asked me,” In which UG group you belong, and where do you hide the weapons, and tell us the truth, otherwise you will be shot and killed.
Again I told them that I am a simple man and I don’t know anything about the underground group and I don’t have any relation with any UG group. After sometime they took me at Kumbi Police Station. There they beat me up and tortured me for several hours. They asked many questions about the underground organization. Finally after knowing that I am an innocent person, they brought out a blank paper and forced me to signed (signature) on it. After I signed on the blank paper they set me free from there custody.
Due to their torture and humiliation I am very depressed and today I am afraid of my life. My family members also fells very sad. One more thing is that, today many people seem to have some suspicion on just because I was arrest and torture by Police. Here, I want to appeal to everyone that, arresting and torturing someone like me without any reason is a very sad thing. It should not happen again, not only to me but to other too. Last, but not the least let us all work together to stop torture.

Testimony from Wide Angle, Members organization of NATT

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stray bullets from police makes pasmanda (dalit muslim ) weaver physically challenged…. Deprived him of his livelihood compensation given yet ..

For 24 year old Abdur Rahman of Bajardiha in Varanasi, the day of 11th March, 2009 was a terrible nightmare that forever changed his life. Gross negligence of police during a field operation almost killed Rahman, when he was caught in the stray firing of cops. Although Rahman survived, bullet wounds in his legs and genitals left him crippled. But what further adds to his woes is the fact that those responsible for his plight are still free and none of the government agencies have shelved out a single penny for Rahman's treatment and rehabilitation.
On 11th March, 2009 at about 11:30am, Abdur Rahman who lives in Sarai Surajan, Bajardiha, Varanasi along with his four brothers and two sisters was visiting his uncle who lives in Gosia Mosque. As Abdur Rahman was entering the lane before the mosque, police started firing and bullets hit him on his right leg and abdomen area.
Critically wounded, Rahman was rushed to a government hospital in Kabir Chaura. Despite tremendous blood loss, Rahman survived. When he regained consciousness, he came to know of the circumstances under which he was hurt. Abdur had been erronously shot by police in an incident of un-announced firing near Kolhua Mosque in an attempt to control the communal violence which had broken out there.
For Rahman, meeting the costs of treatment from his injury was a major struggle. Coming form a poor family, he had no money. His neighbours contributed towards his treatment. This incident was a major blow for Abdur and his family members. Formerly a fine weaver of Vanarasi saris, Rahman could no longer work on the yarn. His dream of leading a dignified and happy life has been shattered, for he was now a cripple with a bullet injury in his leg.
Abdur says, "I didn't receive any monetary help from the Government. And neither did the people involved receive any punishment. I want to adopt legal procedures because justice is for everyone.’’ Besides Abdur, there were eight people who were injured and two of them expired.
 At present Abdur is leading the life of a handicap. On 4th Feb, 2010, Abdur went to Sir Sunder Lal Hospital of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) where the doctors told him that he has to be treated for a broken bone. The doctors told him that infection in his leg was continuing and the bullet injury was not healing. The doctors said that Rs one lakh is required for his treatment which is a big amount for him. At present, he is being treated under Dr Shakeel.
Though there is some improvement in his condition, Abdur is dependent on others for food. However, the poverty stricken family is not able to spend any amount on him, and he is often even denied food. For a man moving around on clutches, commuting to hospital on his own becomes a nightmare for none in the family is ready to accompany him. For a family struggling to secure two meals a day, a crippled Rahman is an object of sympathy but livelihood demands prevent them from giving him needed support. "Earlier I used to get annoyed when people asked me 'How are you, Abdur?' but now I am used to it,’’ he says.
Amidst his devastated life, Rahman now wants his plight to be shared with people at large, and to bring the culprits to justice, so that no one else needs suffer from a similar fate.

The testimony written in english by the alternate media fellow Mr. Ashish Awasthi under the RCT -PVCHR joint collaborative project "Promoting psycho –legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence in India"

BABUNDAR GHASIA, SONBHADRA - The real "caste-conscious, people-friendly" face of UP Police.

This is a real story of police atrocity and gross violation of human rights. A tale that exposes the inhuman face of police in Uttar Pradesh and the plight of the poor - mostly Dalit - communities in the state. Babunder Ghasia, a Dalit by caste still shivers when he recalls the day 4 years ago when a police party raided his house and mercilessly beat him on charges of copper wire theft. For a crime which he did not commit, Babunder was subjected to inhuman third degree torture and subsequently jailed.
Babunder recalls, he was all alone when police entered his house at 2 pm. They kicked him, asking about some electric copper wire which had been stolen (wire is used in electricity transmission). The entire house was ransacked, and when the stolen wire was not found, he was taken to Bihari Hotel where he was so severely beaten that he fainted.
After that, the police took Babunder to the
 Kotwali police station and later to the hospital, with a made-up story that Babunder has broken his hand after falling down a hill. However, when Babunder dared to tell the reality to the doctor, he was again thrashed by the Sub-Inspector accompanying him. Babunader was put in lockup, and when his wife came to meet him, the police verbally abused her by using derogatory caste names, and the Sub-Inspector threatened to mete out even more inhuman punishment to Babunder in jail. Babunder claims that the policemen themselves had brought some electric copper wire from a Kabari wala (junk seller) which they said was recovered from him, and on basis of this fabricated evidence, Babunder was booked for theft and sent to Mirzapur jail.
Later on, his family got him out on bail after gathering the required bail amount. Those days have passed but the horror still lurks in the minds of Babunder and his family. Babunder hopes that someday, those people who had almost ruined his and his family's life would be punished. Today, Babunder lives with the stigma of being called a thief. He hopes that by making his story public,
others might be saved from meeting a similar fate.

The testimony written in english by the alternate media fellow Mr. Ashish Awasthi under the RCT -PVCHR joint collaborative project "Promoting psycho –legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence in India"

Vimla, Varanasi - Molestation+Physical Abuse=Forceful Eviction=Blatant Violation of Human Rights

It is an open secret that police in Uttar Pradesh often tend to be on the payroll of 3 Ms - Money, Muscle and Mafia. It is this unholy association which results in atrocities like that faced by the entire community of poor craftsmen and labourers of Dharkar Basti, Varanasi District.
The shameful acts of local police came to light when 40-year old Vimla, a native of Basti, dared to come forward and speak to us. According to Vimla, her family and many others like her had been staying in Hukulganj Dharkar Basti for more than five generations. Never were they asked to vacate the place.
Life was going smooth until one night, the calm was shattered by police sirens heralding the arrival of police raids and abuse. A group of policemen headed by the local station head officer attacked and started beating young and old, women and children, even pregnant women were not spared. The entire family of Vimla, including her daughter, sons, daughter-in-laws, grandsons and granddaughters were mercilessly beaten and summarily asked to vacate the property.
The cops were all in an inebriated state, they even set a few huts on fire, endangering dozens of lives. 60-year-old woman Lachi was beaten up badly. 8-month pregnant Rekha was kicked about on her stomach. Lives were only saved after people ran to nearby localities for cover.
Vimla says no prior notice was given to them. It was a direct attack under cover of night, probably after the hands of the cops were greased by some local heavyweights. When the people dared to ask the reason for the raid, they were further beaten up. Vimla herself was kicked around and abused. The police attempted to rape some women, who just barely managed to escape.
Recalling the horror of the night, Vimla recalls that she was fast asleep when the attack took place. She was dragged out of bed at gun point. The policemen claimed they were from the Cantt Police Station. The station officer was accompanied by more than 50 policemen.
Vimla and many others like her have gotten no justice till date. Policemen have gotten scot-free and police threats to vacate the land still continues. These families ask that police harrassment should cease, otherwise, they should be properly relocated and rehabilitated in some secure and decent place.

The testimony written in english by the alternate media fellow Mr. Ashish Awasthi under the RCT -PVCHR joint collaborative project "Promoting psycho –legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence in India"

UP Police: Champions and Flag-Bearers of Human Rights? A report on Police Violation of Human Rights (Shocking violence involved, minors do not read.)

From electric shocks to merciless beating, 23-year old Ram Lal of Mirzapur was subjected to continuous torture for days on end, for a robbery which he never committed. Ram Lal was picked up on the basis of an unverified complaint and subjected to such inhuman treatment that even years after, his body still bears the marks of torture. Fear has become part of his personality. The torture has traumatized him to such an extent that today, he hardly dares to move out of his house.
Ram Lal’s family comprises a wife and two sons. On 28 May 2009, Ram Lal was at his in-law's place at Bahararanganj village, which is under the jurisdiction of Chunar Police Station in the same district, for the marriage of his brother-in-law. He recalls, "The next day at about 10pm, while coming back from the market, a constable and a Sub-Inspector from Chunar Police Station stopped us and started interrogating me. Later they took me to the house of one Ramji, Ramdhani, Neeraj and Mukesh Patel, who had filed a complaint of robbery against me."
From their house, he was brought back to his house. The team of police entered his house and looted it, taking away some jewellery and 7000 rupees in cash. From there, he was next taken to the local police station and locked up in a cell in total darkness. He was just given a chapati to eat. From there, he was later taken to the quarters of a Sub-Inspector called Sudarshan, and from there to an isolated factory in Dagmagpur. There, the police threatened him, commanding him to accept and confess his role in the dacoity, or they would shoot him in an "encounter".
The policemen forced him to consume liquor. He recalls, "After I was drunk, they begun interrogation again and resumed beating me. Later on, police also raided the houses of my neighbor and took 12 others into custody. On 30th of May, my interrogation resumed at the Chunar Police Station. A cop crushed my finger under a chair, and sat on it. The pain was unbearable. I cried out but my pleas fell on deaf ears. All along, I was being asked about the looted items. When I denied my involvement, more policemen joined in and started thrashing me. Later on, I was thrown in the lockup without food or water. Interrogation resumed at night and after that, I was again denied food and thrown back in the lockup."
"My ordeal did not end there; morning brought more horrors. The cops got me seated on a slab surrounded by electric wires, and then the nightmare begun. Current was passed through my body once, twice. I thought 'I am going to die.' At that time my brother Om Prakash came. I could just murmur for a glass of water. Even that was denied. My brother was chased away and electric shocks were resumed."
"I fainted and when I regained my senses, i found myself in a bed at the Mirzapur district hospital. Imagine, I had been there unconscious for five days. My life was saved by the timely intervention of the local media and people. Even the local MLA helped us out. I also came to know that I was tortured more because the police wanted my family to shelve out 13 thousand rupees to get me freed."
"Though I was freed by police and got medical assistance, first at a clinic in Chunar and then at the Mirzapur hospital, I am still not totally fit. Pain resurfaces, my fingers are still swollen..and more than that, a strange fear has settled over me - a fear of khaki and abuse. I know it is tough to get those people punished who almost killed me and ruined my life and reputation. I hope my story and testimony will help save others from meeting my fate. Some mechanism should be put in place to punish policemen who indulge in corrupt practices and subject innocent people like me to inhuman torture and extortion.

The testimony written in english by the alternate media fellow Mr. Ashish Awasthi under the RCT -PVCHR joint collaborative project "Promoting psycho –legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence in India"

VINOD GUPTA, JAUNPUR - Driver's Trauma and New Height of Custodial Violence

This is a real story, not just of a man’s agony and suffering at the hands of the police and the system, but also of a country's shame at the gross violation of its principles of justice and freedom. Vinod Kumar Gupta of Jaunpur district was kept in police custody for almost a week, defying the rule clearly laid out in law that no one can be kept in custody for more than 24 hours without being produced before a competent magistrate. Vinod was denied not only fair trial, but was also subjected to the extremes of torture that would have made even the strongest of men weep.
28-year old Vinod was working as a driver with one Mahendra Seth of Sipah area in Jaunpur. Vinod tells that on 23 January, 2010, he had driven Mahendra Seth’s son Ajay to Varanasi. Ajay told him to take the car to Madagin and be there to await his call. According to Vinod, when no one called him till late at night, at about 10 pm, he gave a missed call to mobile no. 9918982059 9918982059 . He recalls, "Ajay told me to bring the car to the crossing. I saw Ajay coming along with his uncle and a small child. Later, after dropping uncle at his house, we started our journey for Jaunpur. About 2 kms before Pindara, an Indica car (silver colour) started following us. I only remember that car had a registration number starting with up 50 h."
"A few miles ahead on the highway I was signaled by the driver of the Indica to stop. I committed the mistake of doing so. Immediately, 4 people came out of the car and pointed pistols at us and robbed us of our cash, mobiles, gold chains, rings and coats. After leaving Ajay in the car, they took me with them and left me at Phulpur market. I didn't know what to do, so I asked for a lift in a vehicle passing by. As it was very cold, I and the driver of the jeep had a cup of tea on the way and then I went to my home. This was a probably a big mistake. I should have gone straight to my owner’s house. Anyways after reaching my place I found my family had already been informed of the loot and that I was being looked for."
"After some time, 2 policemen came and took me to the police station. There, I narrated the whole incident to Sethji’s nephew and the police sub-inspector. My nightmare started soon after. I was subjected to such extreme torture that even the mere memory of it sends shivers through me. I was seated on the ground with my legs spread apart and then lathi was placed on my thighs and a policeman jumped on it. Unbearable pain made me cry and beg for mercy but no mercy was given. The torture continued and then I was thrown in the lockup."
"Morning came, and my tryst with third degree torture resumed. I was brought out of the lockup, and taken and hung from a tree with my arms stretched and feet dancing in the air. It seemed like my arms would just tear away from my body. The pain was unimaginable and even then every few minutes, my feet were burnt with a candle and was lashed with a whip."
"From the police station I was taken to the police lines where the circle officer too indulged in torturing me. I was stripped naked and then was thrashed by lathi till the point where they felt I would die. Gripped by panic I gave the name of one of my friends. He too was brought there and beaten up. Seeing his state I was filled with remorse. I told the cops that I had framed my friend because of fear. This unleashed a next round of torture."
"All along I was being asked to accept the crime and give names of my aids in the crime. I was even promised a share in cash reward. I denied to accept the charges and so the atrocities went on increasing. Over the days I often felt I will die…I even thought of committing suicide."
"For two days I wasn't allowed to sleep. On 30th January 2010, my father came to bail me out but the policemen didn't leave me. Later I was tied to a tree and was beaten up again.
 When I remember the barbaric behavior I was subjected to, I feel like crying. Days after being freed, I did not dare to go to a doctor, because the policemen warned me not to tell anyone about my injuries.
After talking to us, Vinod feels relieved. "Now I am not so afraid of being killed, and am happy to stay with my family,’’ he says.

The testimony written in english by the alternate media fellow Mr. Ashish Awasthi under the RCT -PVCHR joint collaborative project "Promoting psycho –legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence in India"

RAMDAYAL, PINDARA, VARANASI - Bonded Labour continues in Modern India, Labour Ministry Silent over Forced Labour in Brick Kilns

It’s a tale that forces one to question if the India that gave rise to it belongs to the 21st century, or to the dark ages ruled by feudal lords. But surprisingly, this story of forced and bonded labour comes from an India that is emerging as a superpower in the global world, with a modern constitution that supposedly ensures every citizen’s right to freedom and equality. What adds to gloom is the fact that those entrusted with responsibility for ensuring justice were found to be hand-in-gloves with the exploiters of human labour and dignity.
Until recently, an agricultural labourer - 27-year old Ramdayal of Sarai village in Varansai - was held captive at a brick kiln along with his family and many others from his community and village. Those were days and nights of constant abuse, where they were subjected to forced and bonded labour without the money that was promised to them. Even primary necessities like proper medical assistance were denied to them, and the mildest demands resulted in beatings and abuses.
Ramdayal and many others like him had landed the job at Raja Kiln through one of his relatives. He was promised decent wages and shelter. For the first 3 months, things went fine, but then the owners started showing their true colour. One fine day a labourer called Bhola was mercilessly beaten when he begged for some financial help for treatment of his daughter Sarita. When Ramdayal objected to it, he too was abused and beaten.
After this armed goons were deployed by the owners to ensure that none of the labourers escaped from the site. Daily wages were often denied to the labourers who were verbally and physically abused, and sexual harrassment of the women became a regular feature. When things became too much, one fine day Ramdayal and others finally decided to flee. The group of men, women and children who fled were chased and harassed by goons of the kiln owner. The fleeing labourers spent days without food and nights without sleep, drinking unhygienic water from ponds. Even today in the modern age, human life can still be held captive, and people treated like slaves as in ages gone by!
After a few days, relatives of these men finally got in touch with local politicians. Hearing the plight of these men, the local MLA came forward to help. They were given shelter and in turn were asked to do some domestic work at the MLA’s place. However, for the families on the run, it was no concrete help for the goons of the kiln owner still searched for them. No action was initiated against he kiln owner and his men, despite the fact that local police was informed about the case. Finally, the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) got to know of the labourers' plight. Mangal Bhaiya of the PVCHR helped them to register their complaints with relevant authorities. They were also taken to the District Magistrate of Varansai.
The District Magistrate also assured them of all possible help, but when the enquiry was taken up by his administration, te police applied pressure. Cops started forcing the District Magistrate's office to withdraw the complaint on the grounds that the people against whom the complaint had been filed are too powerful and there was no point in standing against them.
At present, Ram Dayal’s application has been filed in the Supreme Court and they are waiting for justice. Due to continuous suffering, Ram Dayal is shattered, but still has hope that someday he would get justice. Meanwhile, after being freed, he works as a farm labourer earning Rs.50 to 100 on any given day. This is not sufficient to maintain his family but at least it is better than being subjected to the horrors of bonded life on the kiln.
This is the true story of Ram Dayal who, along with his wife and three children, stays in Sarai village in Varanasi district.
 Earlier he was working in Raja Kiln as a bonded laborer but now, he works as an agriculture labourer. Sometimes, he drives a tractor or ploughs the field. For all this, he gets Rs.100/- a day or Rs.50/-
for half day's work. Because he is crippled, he cannot carry heavy loads although earlier he used to do all kinds of odd jobs.

The testimony written in english by the alternate media fellow Mr. Ashish Awasthi under the RCT -PVCHR joint collaborative project "Promoting psycho –legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence in India".