Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Voice heard in the Scheduled caste Commission

Kashi Chamar: Kashi was working as a household servant in the house of the Salim from last ten month and he was not reimbursed with the single penny. After giving psychological support through testimonial therapy his petition was sent to Scheduled Caste Commission.

The case registered under 156 (3)in court. The Commission did investigation and then the owner Salim reimbursed his wages. Kashi did compromise with Salim after his excuse and he recieved 14,000 Rupees compensation.

Testimony of Kashi

Lakshman: The petition was sent to Scheduled Caste Commission and after that case was registered under 156 (3) in the court. The commission interrogation both with survivor and alleged perpetrator. Ashok Yadav & Dabbu Yadav make excuse to Laksham and returned his motorbike and money and they make compromise.

Testimony of Lakshman

Gulab:: After taking his testimony complaint had been sent to National Scheduled Caste Commission. The investigation after 17 years started in his case and report had being sent to the commission.

testimony of Gulab