Testimonial Therapy: Impact on
social participation and emotional well being among Indian survivors of torture
and organized violence
By Mia Myhre Jørgensen, Jens Modvig, Inger Agger,Lenin
Raghuvanshi,Shirin Shabana Khan and Peter Polatin
Published in Torture Journal(
Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture,latest
issue: Volume 25, Nr. 2, 2015).
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The current study has added to
the evidence of TT as an effective method for reducing psychological distress
and increasing well-being and social participation in Indian survivors of TOV.
Sharing their trauma story through the testimony process improved the
survivors’ psychosocial functioning and enabled them to advance on the path to
recovery, accepting new responsibilities and regaining satisfactory functioning
in their families and environment. Furthermore, it appears that TT has a
positive impact at the community level by promoting community empowerment. This
study provides the foundation for further research on this aspect, such as
controlled trials to determine the effect of TT on individual- and community outcome
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#torture #endtorture #SURVIVOR #u4humanrights